Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How do I kill a VMware virtual machine that won't die?

WMIC /OUTPUT:C:\ProcessList.txt PROCESS get Caption,Commandline,Processid
This will create a text file with each process and its parameters. You can search in the file for your VM File Path, and get the correct Process ID to end task with.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

VMWare – Failed to lock the file - Cannot open the disk vmdlk or one of the snapshot disks it depends on

I face this issue when my VMWare could not open the virtual machine and was giving error: Failed to lock the file - Cannot open the disk *.vmdlk or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.
Cannot open the disk 'G:\VPC\WinXpPro\Windows XP Professional-000001.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.
Reason: Failed to lock the file.
Resolution: To solve this issue I opened the folder that has my virtual machine files ('G:\VPC\WinXpPro\). I found couple of folders that are named as ***.lck. I select them all and deleted them. You can also try to rename them if not comfortable with deleting them.
Windows XP Professional-000002.vmdk.lck
Windows XP Professional.vmdk.lck
Windows XP Professional-000001.vmdk.lck
Windows XP Professional.vmx.lck